We, humans, love our comfort zone and would rather take fewer opportunities than get out of it. Because our brain is trained for survival and because our comfort zone is the best place it thinks to survive, it can never let us go out of it unless we push upon it. I mean, there’s nothing bad about being in your comfort zone, but just sitting in it and not exploring anything beyond your horizon will hurt no one but you. So, keeping yourself in your comfort zone and wanting something easier to do are two different things.
On one hand, you don’t even try to get out of it and try new things, but on the other, you know what you are capable of and want something that is within your reach. There’s also a quote from Bill Gates that goes like, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” My point in talking about all of this is that it is okay to take an easier route if that is available to you, whether it is in life or your hobbies—especially in gaming. There’s no point in grinding hours upon hours if you can get the cosmetic by playing smartly for just 30 minutes. So, in this blog, we are going to do something similar. We are going to talk about Call of Duty and, specifically, the mastery camos.
As you know, the mastery camo Abyss is one of the hardest camos to unlock in the game. It could take days or even weeks to unlock, and nobody has that much free time on their hands. So, in this blog, I am going to talk about the easiest ways you can unlock the Abyss camo. Let’s get started.
Do It Yourself
The first route to unlocking the Abyss camo is to do it yourself. This is by far the hardest route I will suggest in this blog, but the satisfaction and feeling of reward you’ll feel after unlocking it will be immaculate. So, there’s no easy way to unlock it yourself—you have to put in some hours to get the camo. However, I have some tips that you can use to get more kills and progress further more easily. The Abyss camo requires you to kill 5 enemies in a row while dying only twice. This sounds easy enough, but the path to unlocking the camo is paved with hardships. Here are some of my tips that’ll make your life easier.
Complete the Other Camos
Before attempting the mastery challenge for Abyss, you have to unlock the Military, Special, Gold, King’s Ransom, and Catalyst camos. Unlocking all of these for the basic 33 weapons will take a lot of time. So, I’ll give you a tip for each camo to unlock them quickly, but you have to be patient since they are quite difficult to complete.
- Military Camo: You only need to get 100 kills with a weapon, which can be done quickly if you play Deathmatch or Domination.
- Special Camos: Every weapon has a different challenge to complete, so you will have to check the loadout for each weapon. Most challenges are related to killing streaks, so you can just spam the Hardcore Moshpit for Special Camos.
- Gold Camos: You only need to kill the most wanted personnel or HVTs (High-Value Targets), so you can play either Kill Order or Plunder for that.
- King’s Ransom: You need to get streaks of three kills five times. You can do this by either killing AFK players or going after high-value targets because you’ll find more action there.
- Catalyst Camo: This requires you to kill enemies affected by non-lethal weapons, and it is going to be a headache to complete. Most of your flashes and grenades won’t count unless they have a significant impact on the enemy. The indication of an “affected kill” is the kill notification of a concussed enemy. Without that, you cannot be sure that your kill counted.
Play Plunder
Playing a high-volume 10v10 match is the best way to get more kills quickly. It will also allow you to get better at the game.

Since in Plunder, all high-reward targets are marked, if you rush towards them, you are bound to find action. You can also leverage your advanced UAVs to know where everyone is on the map.
Kill the AFK Players
Another thing you can do is never jump out of the plane and let it run its course. At the very end of its path, it will throw you out along with other AFK players. Now, all you have to do is kill those guys, and you’ll be good to go. The only caveat to this strategy is that it is pretty common, and you might encounter other players doing the same thing. So, you might face a little resistance in killing these AFK players. Be prepared for it.
Other Ways to Get the Camo
Purchasing an Account
Buying an account with the Abyss camo that is already unlocked is the easiest way to get the camo.

Granted, these accounts do cost a lot. But if you are too keen on getting the camo and don’t have enough time to unlock it, buying a new account will surely solve that problem for you.
Getting Boosted
If grinding for camos feels like a never-ending task, there’s a better solution. Instead of spending countless hours unlocking a single camo, you can get a professional camo boost for your account. It’s a faster, safer, and more cost-effective way to get the skins you want without losing your hard-earned cosmetics.
You don’t need to start over with a new account—simply boost your existing one. Buy your camo boost now from here https://immortalboost.com/black-ops-6/camo-boosting/ and unlock your favorite camos hassle-free!